- Manufacturer – MasterCrush.
- Orientation – Multi position.
- Product size – 9×3 3/4×3 7/8 inches (22.7×9.3×9.7 cm).
- Material – Steel.
- Maximum can size – 32 oz.
- Color – Black.
- Automatic dispensing – No.
- Collection bin – No.
- Multiple can holder – No. Holds 1 can at time.
The MasterCrush is certainly one of the high end aluminum can crushers on the market. This can crusher features a different mechanism than many other crushers, which is more efficient and allows to use the crusher with much larger cans and bottles. The MasterCrush is able to compress aluminum cans up to incredible 32 oz size, which is the largest can size that any can crusher we have seen will handle. This means that MasterCrush will be able to compress practically any soda, beer, energy drink or any other type of aluminum can you have in your house. The large opening of this crusher also allows to use it for compressing not only aluminum cans but also plastic bottles. However, for those who need a crusher that can compress thicker metal food cans such as dog or cat food cans, this crusher might not be what you are looking for. Although it has got one of the most durable bodies on the market, it still is not durable enough to handle thick metal can crushing.
Materials and design
As we mentioned the frame of MasterCrush aluminum can crusher is made from a stainless steel, also the handle and the crushing mechanism are made from the same steel material and even bolts and nuts are made from steel. Plastic or cheaper metal crushers do not even come close in durability to this tool.
The quality of MasterCrusher can crusher is not only in its durable parts but also in looks of the tool. Although the main purpose of a can crusher is to compress empty cans, for some people the design of the crusher is also important. MasterCrusher comes in a black color, the paint job on the tool is really quality compared to other steel crushers, so you can mount it to practically any place without worries that it will look unattractive. We also liked that is has got a powder coating so it can be used outdoors in any weather conditions. However, as with other metal tools you must watch for signs of wear of the coating, especially closer to the crushing mechanism, as these parts can start to rust if the crusher is being used outdoors all year around.
The manufacturer says that you can mount the crusher both vertically and horizontally, however we suggest that you mount it vertically to a hard surface, preferably wood, because for crushing larger 32 oz cans more force need to be applied and it will be more difficult if you have mounted the crusher to a horizontal surface such as a table top. MasterCrush comes with all required mounting screws and instructions and the mounting of the crusher is easy.
The handle of the crusher comes in two parts, to make it easier to ship. The end part of the crusher can be screwed to other part which is mounted to the crushing mechanism. No special tools are required for this as both handles have got threads and can be simply screwed together by hand. At the end of the handle there is a foam grip for more comfortable crushing. We found that the handle is actually the weakest spot of this durable steel crusher, and if you would apply a very large force to the handle (which certainly is NOT needed if you crush regular aluminum cans) it might get damaged in the attachment point. However, under normal usage you will not have any problems with the handle getting damaged while crushing tin aluminum cans and plastic bottles. To make the crushing process more easier we suggest that you pinch cans on side before crushing them.
The MasterCrush can crusher is made in the USA, which gives you an explanation why this is one the best quality aluminum can crushers on the market. The manufacturer gives this product a 90 day warranty for all parts, and it also provides spare parts if some part of the crusher gets damaged. To enhance the lifetime of the crusher we suggest lubricating all moving parts of the crushers such as the crushing mechanism, hinges and the handle after some period of usage.
The weight of the crusher is 4.6 pounds (2 kg). The dimensions of MasterCrush are 9×3 3/4×3 7/8 inches (22.7×9.3×9.7 cm).
- Very durable steel parts. One of the most durable can crushers on the market;
- Will crush aluminum cans up to 32 oz size and also will compress smaller plastic bottle;
- Coating of the steel allows to use the crusher outdoors all year around;
- Nice design with black color;
- MasterCrush is made in the USA;
- Can be mounted both horizontally and vertically, although we recommend to mount it only vertically.
- Occasionally shoots out a can but this is not a major problem, because almost any can crusher has this problem. It can be easily solved by pinching cans in the middle before crushing or mounting a small metal part to the bottom of the opening of the crusher;
- Joints between both bar parts is the weakest point of the crusher and might get damaged if lots of force is used on the crusher.