Prepworks from Progressive SC-90 can crusher review 12 OZ Can Crushers / Reviews


Prepworks from Progressive SC-90 can crusher


  • Manufacturer – Prepworks from Progressive.
  • Orientation – Vertical.
  • Product size – 12.5×4.2×3.2 inches (31.7×10.6×8.12 cm).
  • Material – Steel.
  • Maximum can size – 12 oz.
  • Color – Red and metallic.
  • Automatic dispensing – No.
  • Collection bin – No.
  • Multiple can holder – No. Holds 1 can at time.

This aluminum can crusher by Paperworks from Progressive International is a popular type of can crusher than can be mounted to a wall or other vertical surface. The crusher features an all steel design and the steel is coated so the crusher can also be used outdoors. The can crusher comes in a red and metallic grey colors, which differs this particular crusher from other with the same design. The construction of the crusher may not seem as the most durable, but is acceptable for an aluminum can crusher at this price range. As mentioned, the design, structure and the crushing mechanism of this tool is very similar to other steel can crushers made by different manufacturers, and which of these can crushers is the best will depend on how large cans you need to compress, what color of the tool will fit interior of place you will install it and what is the price of the crusher compared to similar units.

Paperworks from Progressive SC-90 can crusher will crush cans up to 12 oz size. The crusher can be mounted to a wall or other vertical surface. The can crusher features a long leveler that makes the crushing process easy, which is one of the largest advantages of SC-90 crusher. At the end of the handle there is a soft grip, so crushing a lot of cans on by one will be more comfortable. As with most of these wall mounted crushing units, a can will pop out of the crusher time by time, which is a problem you will have to live with, or you can modify the crusher to fix this problem.

To prolong the lifetime of this crusher you must note few things. First of all, do not put unnecessary force on the tool. The steel material from which this tool is made is not the most durable, and putting an extensive force on the crusher will damage its construction. You can easily crush 12 oz aluminum cans with little force. Also, pinch an aluminum can in the middle before inserting it into the crusher. This will also take some force off the crushing unit and will allow it to operate for a longer time.

All in all, this is a decent quality can crusher that will take 12 oz aluminum cans without any problems, if used correctly. Do not put a lot of force on the crusher, pinch larger cans in the middle and lube the crusher after some period of usage and there should not be any problems when using the crusher.


  • Easy to use;
  • Cheap price;
  • Red color makes the crusher differ form other wall mounted crusher with same design.


  • Crushes only cans up to 12 oz size;
  • The construction of the frame could be more durable.

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