- Distributor – Basic Industries International.
- Orientation – Vertical.
- Product size – 3.3×5.5×15.5 inches (8.4×13.8×39.4 cm).
- Material – Steel.
- Maximum can size – 12 oz.
- Color – White.
- Automatic dispensing – No.
- Collection bin – No.
- Multiple can holder – No. Holds 1 can at time.
Basic Industries International can crusher is a full metal body can crusher that will crush any aluminum can up to 12 oz size. This is a compact but durable tool that also looks good with its simple design. The crusher does not have unnecessary parts and consists just from the frame, crushing mechanism with a crushing plate and hinges, and has a long metal leveler. There are no bottle openers or padded handles that we can see on other crushers, which might be a disadvantage in some cases but an advantage if you just want a can crusher that works and compresses cans without any problems and Basic Industries International 77702 crusher does exactly that.
This can crusher will take 12 oz aluminum cans and compress them to a very tiny size at approx. 1 inch height. This crusher will compress cans to one of the smallest sizes we have seen from such a simple crusher and sometimes you should not even lower the handle to the lowest position when crushing a can so it doesn’t get broken. For other crushers you might need to make modifications to the crusher so it compresses cans to such a smaller size. The unit itself is in a white color with metallic gray handle. This is a vertical can crusher, so it needs to be mounted to a wall or similar vertical surface. Because Basic Industries International can crusher has got such a simple design, it is also very easy to install the crusher to a wall. All mounting holes can be easily accessible and the crusher can be mounted in couple of minutes. Recycling with this crusher is really simple and thanks to the long leveler, the crusher can also be used by kids and older people.
The crusher is simple to use. Just put the handle up, insect an empty 12 oz aluminum can into the opening and pull the handle down. To take load off the crushing mechanism we suggest to dent the sides of the can in a bit, this operation is recommended before usage of practically any crusher. You won’t feel that the crusher struggles to crush cans like with other, less durable crushers. Thanks to all steel frame this unit should last for a long time if you take a proper care of the tool. Always remember to apply grease to the moving parts of the crusher, so they don’t rub against each other, which is a problem for this crusher, because the crushing mechanism is so tight that if you don’t lube the moving parts, it can get damaged after some time. Also apply grease to the tool if the crusher starts to make loud noises when used.
The size of Basic International Industries 77702 aluminum can crusher is 3.3×5.5×15.5 inches (8.4×13.8×39.4 cm). The weight of the tool is 3.5 pounds (1.6 kg).
- Durable, all steel body and parts that will last for long time if correctly maintained;
- Simple construction that makes the crusher easy to use;
- Easy to install;
- Cheap price for a durable steel can crusher.
- Will only crush cans up to 12 oz size;
- No additional features such soft padded grip at the end of the handle.